Why become a Member?
The significant costs of holding lectures at The Forum are met almost entirely by Member’s Subscriptions and whilst we aim to keep all lectures open to all we rely on membership to support running of lectures. (Bursary Awards are funded from our Industry Sponsors and held in a separate account).
Inevitably during Covid income from subscriptions was reduced. If you omitted to pay your subs in recent years please consider helping to keep lectures going by contributing to BDAE either by a donation or payment of missed subscriptions. If you are reading this and are not a Member please consider joining us.
How to become a Member
Annual Membership Fees can be paid to the Treasurer John Sykes either at the lectures or direct to him at 73 Croslands Park, Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9LB (Tel. 01229 823082). The Annual Subscription is £10 per year for all Members. If you have trouble remembering to pay each year please consider paying by Standing Order. The Standing Order Form is available from our treasurer.
Alternatively you could become a Life Member for a one-off payment of £100.
Become a member now – Membership form is available via the link below
For general enquiries speak to a Committee Member >